Beyond Capital Partners GmbH
Skyper – 35th Floor
Taunusanlage 1
60329 Frankfurt am Main
Karsten B. Eibes, Christoph D. Kauter
Amtsgericht Frankfurt am Main, HRB 100904
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EUR 10-15 Mio.
20 %
ECD International Holding GmbH was founded by Alexander Osterwald and Jörn Pfotenhauer in Stuttgart in 2004 and is a multidisciplinary and international full-service agency with proven expertise in the premium and luxury segment. ECD International has been established for 20 years and offers a wide range of international first-class services such as brand management, live marketing, communication, creative work, guest relations and CRM programs aiming at a demanding client base. The company offers groundbreaking “money can’t buy formats” for the world’s top brands based on their methodology called Emotional Relationship Marketing (ERM).
Together with the founders and managing directors of ECD International, Beyond Capital Partners will implement a targeted organic growth strategy with selective acquisitions and thus position the agency as the first point of contact for high-end brand events in the long term.
Buy-Out, succession solution
Business Model
Agency for Experiential Marketing
ReachCon GmbH
Fund Generation
Beyond Capital Partners Fund III
B2B Services
We Stand for Trust, Passion and Integrity
The Latest About Us and From The Industry
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EUR 5-15 Mio.
>30 %
Holger Grelck Forstbaumschulen is one of the leading German forest nurseries for the cultivation of premium forest seedlings and grows many millions of seedlings annually on more than 100 hectares, on which a wide range of tree species, including sweet chestnut, oak, spruce, service tree and Douglas fir, are nursed. The forest tree nursery has been supplying municipalities, states as well as other nurseries and private forest owners since 1938 and has grown continuously in recent years. Our location in Halstenbek is the largest forest tree nursery region in Germany and is considered the “cradle of the forest” due to the fertile soil and optimal microclimatic conditions.
Forest tree nurseries are an important subgroup of tree nurseries and operate around 12% of Germany’s total tree nursery area. Overall, forest nurseries play a central role in the fight against climate change, as they are an integral part of the reforestation of German forests. At the same time, they enable companies to become more sustainable and achieve climate targets. Demand for seedlings for forestry plants has risen accordingly. The German forest relieves the atmosphere of 62 million tons of CO2 every year.
The aim is to further accelerate the impressive growth of Holger Grelck Forstbaumschulen together with Beyond Capital Partners and to continue its expansion through selective acquisitions.
Buy-Out, succession solution
Business Model
Forest Nursery
Fund Generation
Beyond Capital Partners Fund III
B2B Services
We Stand for Trust, Passion and Integrity
The Latest About Us and From The Industry
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