Beyond Capital Partners is sponsor of the equestrian sport event Carl von Weinberg Cup 2024
May 2024 Frankfurt am Main
Beyond Capital Partners is delighted to continue its support as sponsor for the Carl von Weinberg Polo Cup 2024. The “Beyond Capital Partners” equestrian team was this year led by team captain Mauro Erriquez, the president of the Frankfurt Polo Club e.V., accompanied by Leona Liegat, European champion Svenja Hölty and international polo pro Justo Imaz.
From May 17th to May 19th, six international polo sports teams played for the cup at the Frankfurt Polo Club 1902 in Frankfurt in the picturesque Nidda meadows. The tournament is known for its low handicap level, which means that both experienced players and up-and-coming talents have the opportunity to participate and demonstrate their skills. This year, the polo team from Radio Frankfurt won the title. Congratulations to all the players.
The traditional sport has deep roots in Frankfurt. The von Weinberg brothers founded the first Polo Club in Niederrad in 1902.

“The sport of polo combines exciting matches involving skill, speed, precision, tactical thinking, motivation and team spirit. In this respect, we are pleased to be able to support the polo event as an overall sponsor for the three days and the athletes by representing the Beyond Capital Partners polo team. Furthermore, these events are known for top-class networking, bringing together athletes, entrepreneurs, investors and premium companies set-up in a perfect family-style atmosphere, representing values which we support”, states Christoph D. Kauter, Managing Partner and Founder of Beyond Capital Partners.
About Beyond Capital Partners: Beyond Capital Partners is an investment company advising its funds on the acquisition of majority shareholdings in profitable Mittelstand companies in the DACH region with a focus on asset-light business models in the areas of B2B services, IT services, software, healthcare & well-being, lifestyle and entertainment. As a SFDR 8+ Fund, a particular focus lies in the value creation through focussing of ESG related elements.